Sobre Instituto de História da Arte

IHA is a R&D Unit hosted by NOVA FCSH and a full member of the RIHA network (The International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art). In the last FCT’s evaluation process, IHA was distinguished with the highest assessment mark and was rated as “Excellent” by the international panel of experts. IHA’s work is committed to Portuguese art history, but is by no means confined to it. We take a close look to the Portuguese historical relations with other geographies such as Europe, Asia, Africa and America. IHA publishes anually the RHA - Revista de História da Arte, an open access academic journal.

Revista de História da Arte

Medieval Colours: between beauty and meaning



Entrevista com Michel Pastoureau
conduzida por Adelaide Miranda e Ana Lemos

Value and beauty: towards a double aesthetic of colours in early Romanesque book illumination
Anja Grebe 

Étude des rapports entre la couleur et le corps dans l’image médiévale: l’Évangéliaire d’Otton III, fin xe siècle
Marie Aschehoug-Clauteaux

Remarks on colours and pigments in the French court illumination of the 13th century
Xenia Muratova

Byzantine recipes and book illumination
Doris Oltrogge

The Strasbourg family texts: originality and survival.A survey of illuminating techniques in medieval South Germany
Sylvie Neven

Les couleurs de l’enluminure: recettes de Michelino da Besozzo et d’Antoine de Compiègne
Inès Villela-Petit

À propos d’une notice sur le vermillon
Horácio Peixeiro

Binding media in medieval manuscript illumination: a source research
Stefanos Kroustallis

À la recherche des pigments
Claude Coupry

Colours versus colorants in art history: evaluating lost manuscript yellows
Mark Clarke

The colour of medieval Portuguese illumination: an interdisciplinary approach
Maria João Melo, Adelaide Miranda, Catarina Miguel, Rita Castro, Ana Lemos,
V. Solange F. Muralha, João A. Lopes and António e Pereira Gonçalves

Illuminations: secrets, alchemy and conservation in three case studies
Marina Bicchieri, Michela Monti, Giovanna Piantanida e Armida Sodo

Early Netherlandish manuscript illumination: technical aspects of illuminations in the Rime Bible of Jacob van Maerlant
Arie Wallert

Analysis of the Anjou Bible
Marina van Bos e Lieve Watteeuw

That it seemeth to be the thing itself. The obsession of 16th century miniature painters to imitate the beauty of nature
Timea Tallian e Alan Derbyshire

Non-invasive XRF and UV-Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopic analysis of materials used by Beato Angelico in the manuscript Graduale n. 558
M. Picollo, A. Aldrovandi, A. Migliori, S. Giacomelli e M. Scudieri

A protocol for non-invasive analysis of miniature paintings
Maurizio Aceto, Angelo Agostino, Monica Gulmini, Eleanora Pellizzi e Valentina Bianco

The application of SR-XRF to the analysis of manuscript illumination a case study
Marco Battaglia, Laura Alidori Battaglia, Richard Celestre, Peter Denes,
Dionisio Doering, Tae Sung Kim e Sarah Zalusly

Combining visible and infrared imaging spectroscopy with site specific, in-situ techniques for material identification and mapping
Paola Ricciardi e John K. Delaney


Michel Pastoureau. Noir. Histoire d’une couleur. Éditions du Seuil, 2008
Adelaide Miranda e Rita Carvalho

Mark Clarke. Mediaeval Painters’ Materials and Techniques: The Montpellier Liber diversarum arcium. Archetype, London, 2011
Stefanos Kroustallis


Des interactions entre scriptoria Portugais au XIIe siècle
Rémy Cordonnier

Highlighting manuscripts’ third dimension. Access, documentation and display of micrometric details
Inês Correia

À volta de um vermelho. Apresentação de edição d’O livro de como se fazem as cores, sob o olhar da ciência e tecnologia
Maria João Melo e Catarina Miguel

Interactive technology to explore medieval illuminations
Nuno Correia, Tarquínio Mota, Rita Carvalho e André Ricardo


Colour in Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts: Between Beauty and Meaning
Maria João Melo

O projecto Imago
Ana Lemos

The awakening of the Manueline Foral charters
Ana Isabel Seruya e Maria Luísa Carvalho

Studies in medieval manuscript illuminations: Master and PhD thesis
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and Faculty of Sciences and Technology, New University of Lisbon

Seminário e Exposição. Os Livros de Horas do Palácio Nacional de Mafra e a cultura artística do século XV
Ana Lemos